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Flowel Instrument Sizing and Specification Software (Obsolete)
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Flowel Instrument Sizing and Specification Software (Obsolete)


Compatible with Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016 (32-bit and 64-bit OS)
Supports Single User and Concurant Network User
For Sizing Of
Orifice Plates (Standard, Conical Entrance, Quadrant Edged, Eccentric, Segmental, Small Bore), Venturi Meters (Cast, Machined, Welded), and Nozzles (ISA 1932, Long Radius, both High and Low Ratio)


  • Accommodate calculations and sizing of a variety of devices and fluids, both pure or mixed
  • Ensure accurate sizing and specification with a validation process that verifies calculations to industry standards
  • Improve sizing simplicity, speed, and accuracy with an intuitive interface that reduces error, training time, and cost
  • Increase flexibility with quick recalculation of fluid properties when flow composition changes
  • Accelerate access and increase productivity with stored and maintained design documents and specification sheets
  • Trust compliance with the latest industry standards for hydrocarbon measurement, including AGA, ISO, and ASME
  • Rely on recognition by the International Society of Instrumentation (ISA) and a number of government regulatory bodies


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