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Tempest PVTx
TempestTM PVTx is an equation of state PVT analysis tool which facilitates characterization of black oil or compositional fluids.
This solution seamlessly integrates black oil, compositional and thermal simulation capabilities. Flexible data import and output to all common simulators make this a valuable add-on to your analysis process.
Tempest PVTx


Operating System
Supports Windows and Linux – contact us for specific information


  • Use the provided equation of state PVT analysis as an add-on to facilitate characterization of black oil or compositional fluids
  • Simulate and match most experimental PVT data reported by commercial and in-house laboratories
  • Simulate multiple isothermal flashes and realize phase envelope experiments
  • Export data to either Tempest… MORE, VIP*, or Eclipse* *(Marks of Landmark, Schlumberger)
  • Export data to Roxar Multiphase meter


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