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Rosemount™ NGA 2000 CLD NO and NOx Analyzer Module (Obsolete)
rosemount nga 2000 cld
This product is now obsolete.
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Rosemount™ NGA 2000 CLD NO and NOx Analyzer Module (Obsolete)


Ambient Temperature
5° to 40°C (41° to 104°F)
Inside platform (19.0“ rack mountable) or custom installed in a panel
Power Supply
AC: 85 to 264 VAC, 47 to 63 Hz, 150 W
maximum via platform
or DC: 24 VDC +/- 5%, 120 W, 5A
maximum, direct to analyzer module
Ripple and noise: <100 mVpp
Load regulation: < +/- 1%


  • Thermoelectrically-cooled solid-state detector insures high stability
  • Modular design provides mounting and system expansion flexibility
  • Fast response- 90% full scale within 1 second
  • Four user-selectable ranges from 0 to 10,000 ppm
  • Automated ozonator shut-off on loss of air pressure
  • Remote control and automatic calibration
  • On-line diagnostic capabilities
  • Efficient, interferent-free vitreous carbon NO2 converter
  • Ease of maintenance
  • Improved stability due to the solid state detector (silicon photodiode)


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