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Digging for Profits - Advanced Process Control for the Mining Industry


Mineral prices are known to fluctuate. It is important to maximize the throughput when prices are high and minimize costs when prices are down.

Lakeside has teamed up with Spartan Controls to provide state-of-the-art Advanced Control solutions for the mining industry in Ontario and Manitoba. Advanced control offers industry operators a way to get more out of their existing process at high rates of return without major equipment upgrades or replacements.

These Advanced Control solutions cover the grinding circuits, floatation cells and thickeners amongst others. This webinar will explore and explain these solutions.

DID YOU KNOW? There are over 42 active mines in Ontario and Manitoba with also 24+ more mines in advanced exploration stage. Most of these sites mine gold, nickel, zinc and copper.

After this webinar you will understand the production and economic benefits of advanced process control and how it can be applied to your processes.

  • Technicians
  • Metallurgists
  • Process Engineers
  • Plant Supervisors
  • Engineering Consultants (EPC’s)

  • What is Advances Process Control (APC)?
  • Why and when Advanced Process Control (APC) can help your bottom line
  • DeltaV or non-DeltaV – No Problem!
  • SpartanPRO mining applications (Grinding circuit, flotation, thickeners)
  • Where and how to begin?
  • Typical timeline of an APC program
  • Supporting/Training and Monitoring the APC program

Devin Marshman

Advanced Process Control Solution Architect at Spartan Controls based in Vancouver, British Columbia.

He holds a Master’s of Applied Science degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of British Columbia with a specialization in Process Control. Over the past 14 years, he has specialized in the design, development, and implementation of advanced automation solutions for processing industries. More recently, he has been working with some of Canada’s largest mineral processers by scoping new, innovative opportunities for improvement through the development of novel automation and advanced control applications as part of site-wide and enterprise-wide digital transformation programs.